If you need information about local social services or assistance programs, call 2-1-1, the 24/7 information and referral service provided by the Tulsa Area United Way. You can also find resources on their website at 211eok.org.
Note: Housing Solutions does not oversee the admittance policies of the service providers listed below. We recommend you call ahead to verify the availability of services.
Caring Center
305 S Detroit Ave
City Lights Foundation
1018 W 23rd St
Dennis R. Neill Equality Center
(All Sexual Orientations
& Gender Identities)
621 E 4th St
Family & Children’s Services
650 S Peoria Ave
Goodwill (Job Training)
3110 Southwest Blvd
Iron Gate* (Food Pantry)
501 W Archer St
The Tulsa Landlord Tenant Resource Center (LTRC) provides free services in legal information, pro bono referrals, know-your-rights information for both landlords and tenants, and referrals to housing-supportive social services through the UniteUS Network. LTRC is part of Housing Solutions, a nonprofit organization dedicated to making homelessness in Tulsa rare, brief, and non-recurring.
LTRC operates the Social Services Hub, an eviction diversion program. The Social Services Hub is a multi-partner collaboration between Restore Hope Ministries, Legal Aid Services of Oklahoma, Iron Gate and Tulsa County District Courts to support individuals and families facing housing instability or eviction.
Learn more at tulsaltrc.org.
If you are currently experiencing homelessness, you may qualify for housing through an A Way Home for Tulsa program. Begin by completing a Housing Assessment with an A Way Home for Tulsa homeless service provider to determine your eligibility (fleeing domestic violence, staying in an emergency shelter, sleeping in a tent/on the street).
If you are not currently experiencing homelessness, please contact 2-1-1 or visit 211.eok.org.
Facing eviction? Visit the Eviction Social Service Hub at Iron Gate, open Monday-Thursday from 1:00-4:30 PM for immediate support, or visit tulsaltrc.org for resources.
To Get a Housing Assessment:
To get assessed, please contact 2-1-1 (211eok.org) or visit an A Way Home for Tulsa homeless service provider. Keep in mind that the availability of services and housing is based on current resources and may not be guaranteed.
Programs within the A Way Home for Tulsa (AWH4T) Continuum of Care (CoC) are required to implement an internal grievance process, designed to address and resolve conflicts that clients may encounter while participating in the program.
If, after completing the internal complaint process for an agency, the individual filing the complaint would like additional review on the matter, they may file a complaint with the AWH4T CoC .
Housing Solutions © 2020. All rights reserved.