Housing Solutions’ Landlord Tenant Resource Center (LTRC) celebrates its second year of operating the Social Services Hub at Iron Gate in August.
“Our focus is to stop homelessness before it begins, and we’re seeing and helping more people than ever at the Social Services Hub,” said James Reynolds, Housing Solutions LTRC director.
In its second year, the hub helped 2,912 individuals, who visited more than 4,000 times, to avoid homelessness. Since opening in 2021, the hub has helped 3,319 people.
“Our incredible partners at the hub make it easy for anyone facing housing instability to get immediate access to resources,” Reynolds said. “Located at Iron Gate directly across the street from Tulsa County’s eviction court, anyone can get legal resources and referrals, support services, eviction guidance and more from us and our partners. Evictions and housing instability can be overwhelming, and we work to make it more accessible and to it an even playing field for all parties.”
Reynolds was recently promoted to director after serving as interim director and previously as deputy director. He directly oversees the Social Services Hub.
The Social Services Hub is a multi-partner collaboration between Restore Hope Ministries, Legal Aid Services of Oklahoma, Iron Gate and Tulsa County District Courts to support individuals and families facing housing instability or eviction.
“The hub is an easy access point for anyone in Tulsa County facing housing instability to get the help they need,” said Jeff Jaynes, Restore Hope Ministries executive director. “When people in our community receive an eviction notice, they’re not in a position to hire legal representation and navigate complex systems to keep their family housed. Restore Hope Ministries, LTRC, Legal Aid Services of Oklahoma and other partners at the hub get to offer direct and immediate assistance to those who need it.”
In Tulsa County, 3,623 people experienced homelessness for the first time in 2022, according to A Way Home for Tulsa data. Although the number of people experiencing homelessness has steadily increased due to lack of affordable housing, Tulsa data shows a decrease in the average duration of homelessness. The hub plays a significant role in avoiding evictions or immediately connecting people to services to keep people housed.
One crucial partnership is with Tulsa County District Courts, including Special Judge Tammy Bruce, who oversees the eviction docket.
“The hub has been a great resource for both landlords and tenants navigating the eviction process,” Judge Bruce said. “The resources and information the hub provides create opportunities for positive outcomes for people experiencing housing instability or evictions.”
Vickie Jordan, president of Boomtown Development, recently reached out for help at the hub to help a tenant facing housing instability.
“I had a tenant that was in desperate need of rental assistance,” Jordan said. “She got behind on rent. The hub stepped up to the plate, helped her out and made it a very easy process. It’s a very good resource. There is rental assistance, but there’s also just helpful advice on how to approach things. I think some landlords would be afraid to reach out for assistance, but the people at the hub are so helpful.”
The Social Services Hub is open 1-4:30 p.m., Monday through Thursday, at Iron Gate, 501 W. Archer St. The Tulsa County eviction docket is heard across the street at the Family Center for Juvenile Justice.
A recent, anonymous survey of clients served at the hub included the following statements:
“The hub staff made me feel listened to, helped get back on my feet and didn’t judge me for what I’m going through.”
“The hub is awesome. Everyone is helpful, and they provided me with a plethora of information. They even gave me employment resources, as well. I was able to be referred to Restore Hope for rental assistance.”
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