The Youth Homelessness Demonstration Program (YHDP) is an initiative designed to reduce the number of youth experiencing homelessness. The goal of the YHDP is to support selected communities, including rural, suburban, and urban areas across the United States, in the development and implementation of a coordinated community approach to preventing and ending youth homelessness. Additionally, HUD is committed to sharing the experience of YHDP communities and mobilizing communities around the country toward the same end. Tulsa County was one of 17 communities selected in 2022, and awarded $5.38 million to apply toward its goal of preventing and ultimately ending youth homelessness.
We have submitted Tulsa’s Coordinated Community Plan (CCP), the shared vision, mission, goals, and action steps to prevent and end youth homelessness.
Led by youth with lived experience, communities selected to participate in YHDP are charged with creating a CCP with community stakeholders, the lead agency, and technical assistance provided by HUD.
Do you have an idea for a project that could help youth experiencing homelessness? The YHDP Request for Proposals is now open! Required documents are linked here.
Organizations interested in building a program to serve youth and young adults experiencing homelessness and applying for YHDP funds are encouraged to attend an informational session on Thursday, May 4th, from 3pm to 4:30pm. Please reach out to Len Dittmeier, ldittmeier@housingsolutionstulsa.org for details.
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