A | Reduce unnecessary evictions and support those who are or might be evicted to avoid homelessness.
Improve policies and processes related to eviction court.
Added legal support for tenants at eviction court.
Worked with Judges' task force to review challenges at eviction court and vet ideas for improvement.
Updated the Landlord Tenant Act for the first time in 40 years.
Identify and challenge landlords with excessively high numbers of evictions.
Increased usage of Early Settlement Mediation Program (ESMP)- free mediation to landlords & tenants.
Provided information, tools, and legal support to people who are, or are at risk of, being evicted.
Conducted landlord survey with Partner Tulsa to determine cost of eviction.
Included Legal Aid information with all eviction court summons.
Provide information, tools and legal support to people who are or are at risk of being evicted.
Launched Affordable Housing Trust Fund.
Strengthened partnership with Legal Aid Services of OK to create direct access to a Fair Housing Attorney for referrals as well as in-person assistance at the Social Services Hub.
Added a housing navigation team for those post-eviction that need support & resources.
Coordinated crisis support during condemnation of resources and navigation for mass evictions.
Provide support to landlords to prevent evictions.
Launched Landlord Guarantee Fund.
Provided trainings, links to resources, ESMP support, rent payment resources to landlords.
Improve and expand eviction prevention funding resources.
Obtained allocation of ESG and ESG-CV, State CARES Act, County CDBG for rental assistance for homeless prevention and rapid rehousing.
Launched Affordable Housing Trust Fund.
Increased rental assistance available for eviction diversion.
Added funds to JusticeLink for eviction prevention.
B | Improve discharge policies and supports to reduce the number of individuals that exit institutions and systems of care and end up in homelessess.
Change discharge policies to ensure safe exit from institutions and systems of care.
Coordinated discharge plans between hospitals and homeless outreach, City Lights hotel, and Hotel to Housing.
Created processes to improve service connections before and after discharge from corrections, health care and foster care systems.
Hospital discharge planners have coordinated transportation with outreach teams.
Create processes to improve service connections before and after discharge from corrections, health care, and foster care.
Launched Medical Legal Partnership to improve discharge policies & supports.
2 Housing Navigators at the JusticeLink Diversion Hub.
Received Urban Institute/MacArthur grant for justice involved housing & developed community plan.
Criminal Justice Task Force working on discharges from jail.
Extend resource availability for longer period of time after discharge, including housing, employment support and community connections.